J. P. Gilliver (John)
2021-08-08 14:55:25 UTC
On Sat, 7 Aug 2021 at 18:09:02, mel <***@no-mail.com> wrote (my
responses usually follow points raised):
My view of the hierarchy on several of the 'groups:
Paul. Knows lots about lots (including hardware). Usually gives an
exhaustive answer, that is nevertheless often followable and also
informative (_can_ give too much information [but we are all guilty of
that!]); I've learnt a lot from Paul's posts (or would have, if I could
remember it!). Paul used to think (or seem to) that Windows is great,
though in latter years has I think more moved to agree with the rest of
us that it's manageable, but has quirks. (All versions of Windows.)
Mayayana and VanguardLH. I'm afraid I confuse these two, because I think
they are very similar in character. One loves GUI and hates command
line, the other vice versa - I forget which is which. Both - one more
than the other - give _very_ lengthy answers (from which, again, I've
learnt a lot). One of them has a website - jsware - which contains both
useful utilities and informative essays. One (I _think_ it's Mayayana)
can go into a rant, usually combined with his lengthy answers. (Being
told they're similar - to the extent that I confuse them! - will
probably infuriate them both!)
I've learnt (and forgotten) a lot from all three of the above.
Third tier and below - about half a dozen mostly helpful people. I'd put
myself here: I'm not deep depth, but sometimes I think I give a short
answer where that's all that's required, and/or see what is being asked
when one (sometimes several) of the others doesn't (don't). I can go on
too long as well, and have wrong ideas about some things, at least in
some people's opinion - currently, for example, POP vs. IMAP, and SSDs.
There are of course assorted trolls, Appleseeds, Linux fanatics (Paul
-and maybe others - sometimes _use(s)_ Linux [e. g. to access Windows
files that are normally inaccessible], but doesn't push it as a _better_
alternative), and worse - many of whom are in my killfile. (One in
particular used to [may still but I don't see] ask apparently genuine
questions, but tweak the following discussion; produced _some_ useful
input, such as lists of utilities to do things [sometimes with useful
notes on each alternative], but I found I was wasting a _lot_ of time on
hir threads, and concluded that often - possibly always - they weren't
started for the apparent reason. Became abusive when crossed. A
notorious nymshifter.)
responses usually follow points raised):
I really hate getting into this kind of stuff...but -
Keep doing what you're doing, Vanguard. I see your posts regularly in
groups. There ain't hardly any of your kind left on Usenet.
Echoed.Keep doing what you're doing, Vanguard. I see your posts regularly in
groups. There ain't hardly any of your kind left on Usenet.
My view of the hierarchy on several of the 'groups:
Paul. Knows lots about lots (including hardware). Usually gives an
exhaustive answer, that is nevertheless often followable and also
informative (_can_ give too much information [but we are all guilty of
that!]); I've learnt a lot from Paul's posts (or would have, if I could
remember it!). Paul used to think (or seem to) that Windows is great,
though in latter years has I think more moved to agree with the rest of
us that it's manageable, but has quirks. (All versions of Windows.)
Mayayana and VanguardLH. I'm afraid I confuse these two, because I think
they are very similar in character. One loves GUI and hates command
line, the other vice versa - I forget which is which. Both - one more
than the other - give _very_ lengthy answers (from which, again, I've
learnt a lot). One of them has a website - jsware - which contains both
useful utilities and informative essays. One (I _think_ it's Mayayana)
can go into a rant, usually combined with his lengthy answers. (Being
told they're similar - to the extent that I confuse them! - will
probably infuriate them both!)
I've learnt (and forgotten) a lot from all three of the above.
Third tier and below - about half a dozen mostly helpful people. I'd put
myself here: I'm not deep depth, but sometimes I think I give a short
answer where that's all that's required, and/or see what is being asked
when one (sometimes several) of the others doesn't (don't). I can go on
too long as well, and have wrong ideas about some things, at least in
some people's opinion - currently, for example, POP vs. IMAP, and SSDs.
There are of course assorted trolls, Appleseeds, Linux fanatics (Paul
-and maybe others - sometimes _use(s)_ Linux [e. g. to access Windows
files that are normally inaccessible], but doesn't push it as a _better_
alternative), and worse - many of whom are in my killfile. (One in
particular used to [may still but I don't see] ask apparently genuine
questions, but tweak the following discussion; produced _some_ useful
input, such as lists of utilities to do things [sometimes with useful
notes on each alternative], but I found I was wasting a _lot_ of time on
hir threads, and concluded that often - possibly always - they weren't
started for the apparent reason. Became abusive when crossed. A
notorious nymshifter.)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Whoever decided to limit tagline length to 68 characters can kiss my
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Whoever decided to limit tagline length to 68 characters can kiss my